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Modulator excerpt

Just a quick note to let everyone know that the Modulator section is beginning to grow. I just added the first sample track and plan on adding some "before and after" tracks, including some pieces showing the process quite a bit along the way.

This should get more and more interesting as I add stuff of my own, in addition to new stuff from the other collaborators. Alex Machacek's version "24 Tales" is coming out the same day as Modulator: May 18. Mike Keneally's is on his way, as well as John Czaikovski's and Marco Minnemann's.

This new excerpt is the final track of the disc, entitled "Hymn." Like much of the recording process, I hadn't the faintest idea what Marco was doing. In general with this recording, I either decided to "not find out" what was going on or I decided to discover the inner movings of the clockwork. With this finale, I started out trying to just go with what felt right to me, without engaging my intellect to decipher Marco's part. That didn't work. Then I made a good effort to decode the rhythms. That didn't work either. So I made the call to him and he explained it to me.

Aside from the explosive bars, the main rhythm is alternating bars of 4/4 and 9/8! Doh! Why didn't I think of that? Well, because I am not Marco and I was born in a different Galaxy from him.

I can't say where I came up with the idea of using the extensive amount of orchestra for this piece. It just seemed like something that I hadn't done on the record yet, and...hey, why not go for it. I was very surprised how great it sounded right from the beginning. Though it took about a month of tweaking to get all the elements balanced just right with the drums and with the Warr Guitar parts.

More to follow....


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Reader Comments (4)

Amazing stuff!! my drummer and i are eagerly awaiting all the albums and to see whose is best. Is there really abest in this case? As a fellow Warrist my bet is on you.Saw you in Crim in Las vegas in 2003 , had to have one....

April 29, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterReginald Manning

Will Modulator be made available in FLAC format?

May 5, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterGVH

Yes, on the FLAC files. They will be available here in a few weeks.

May 5, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterTrey Gunn

Hi Trey,

I purchased Modulator and I am enjoying it.

Question: There is a very authentic sounding dulcimer or zither sound in track 19. What is it? there is no mention of such a player or instrument inside. Is it a sample?

Also, regarding the sampled sounds, were they primarily played on a keyboard or through MIDI guitar?

I am curious as I listen.

Thanks for the ambition,

June 2, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMatt Harris

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