Modes Courses announced

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October 14 - December 14, 2019
Work directly with Trey Gunn in this 9-week group course. We will break down one the basic building blocks of music – the modes -- into digestible parts, both sonically and theoretically, so you can use them with ease.
Don't let the title fool you. If you think you already know the modes, be prepared to think again. "Intro" simply means we start with the fundamentals. But you can take any of these practices as far as your ear will lead you.
This highly successful course ran last year and it is being offered again. A follow-up Intermediate Course (coming in February 2020) will take everything learned here and go further.
I am currently in New Mexico composing my next group of pieces.
I have just launched an Indiegogo campaign to get funds together to produce a score book of my compositions. Full scores with tabs in both 4ths and 5ths versions of the tuning. Including a very special version of King Crimson's "The ConstruKction of Light."
This has been in the back of my mind for many, many years; and now, it is finally coming to birth."
Go here to see the video and read all about it.
My presentation on "Original Voice" that I gave for the Seattle Office of Film and Music mixer.
I have a newly noticed bias.
I realized, during a coaching session yesterday, that I was working with a personal bias.
A friend of mine passed this over to me and I send it out to one or two people. But seeing part two now, I think everyone should check it out:
Part one: