The Fifth Spin of the Sun

The Fifth Spin of the Sun from Music for Pictures. Video by Ste van Holm. (Greg Gilmore on Drums.)
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The Fifth Spin of the Sun from Music for Pictures. Video by Ste van Holm. (Greg Gilmore on Drums.)
Reader Comments (4)
music is nice, but i should say video clip is so disgusting..
Let me just say, I am a fan of the music, but I am going to have to go with 'cheesy' with the video, sorry.
It's interesting to note that when Coum Transmissions were doing this in 73-76, it was considered disgusting, then Skinny Puppy did the same thing and there were those that found it totally disgusting, then NIN (Trent) got hold of it and did his take on it in the 90's, now here we are in 2010 and it is so passe and not confronting at all. I would agree with the previous comment, interesting music but a video that does nothing for it, it wants to take chances and is too concerned with being confronting but not enough to actually grab you by the balls and make you, the viewer go holy bejesus.
too much heparin?