Italian Improvisations

--- thanks to Matt Chamberlain for this ---
Ennio Morricone, Mario Bertoncini, Walter Branchi, Franco Evangelisti, John Heineman, Roland Kayn, Egisto Macchi, Ivan Vandor 1967-1969

Reader Comments (3)
Wow, makes you wonder where the intro to prison sex actually came from :). Curious if you're still doing online instruction for touch instruments?
It,s a shame that we americans are so closeminded to such stuff.The euroasiatic complex has a lot going for it in the embracicing of more experimental, diverse music.I,m privilged to be able to listen and appreciate music as diverse tibetan , moraccan, indian funk,both amaerican and indian,and byla which is the darkest metal consisting of warr touch guitar,guitar and voice. no matter what keep this and other stuff coming. i,m interested in all of it...,